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CLASS ndi.daq.system

  ndi.daq.system - Create a new NDI_DEVICE class handle object

   D = ndi.daq.system(NAME, THEFILENAVIGATOR)

   Creates a new ndi.daq.system object with name and specific data tree object.
   This is an abstract class that is overridden by specific devices.


ndi.ido, did.ido, ndi.epoch.epochset.param, ndi.epoch.epochset, ndi.documentservice


Property Description
name The name of the daq system
filenavigator The ndi.file.navigator associated with this device
daqreader The ndi.daq.reader associated with this device
daqmetadatareader The ndi.daq.metadatareader associated with this device (cell array)


Method Description
addepochtag Add tag(s) for an epoch
buildepochgraph compute the epochgraph among epochs for an ndi.epoch.epochset object
buildepochtable Build the epochtable for an ndi.daq.system object
cached_epochgraph return the cached epoch graph of an ndi.epoch.epochset object
cached_epochtable return the cached epochtable of an ndi.epoch.epochset object
deleteepoch Delete an epoch and an epoch record from a device
epoch2str convert an epoch number or id to a string
epochclock return the ndi.time.clocktype objects for an epoch
epochgraph graph of the mapping and cost of converting time among epochs
epochid return the epoch id string for an epoch
epochnodes return all epoch nodes from an ndi.epoch.epochset object
epochprobemapfilename return the filename for the ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem file for an epoch
epochsetname the name of the ndi.epoch.epochset object, for EPOCHNODES
epochtable Return an epoch table that relates the current object's epochs to underlying epochs
epochtableentry return the entry of the EPOCHTABLE that corresonds to an EPOCHID
epochtagfilename return the file path for the tag file for an epoch
eq are two ndi.daq.system objects equal?
getcache return the NDI_CACHE and key for ndi.daq.system
getepochprobemap Return the epoch record for an ndi.daq.system object
getepochtag Get tag(s) from an epoch
getmetadata get metadata for an epoch
getprobes GETPROBES = Return all of the probes associated with an ndi.daq.system object
id return the identifier of an DID.IDO object
ingest ingest the data from an ndi.daq.system into the database
issyncgraphroot should this object be a root in an ndi.time.syncgraph epoch graph?
matchedepochtable compare a hash number from an epochtable to the current version
ndi_daqsystem_gui_edit function for editing an ndi.daq.system object
newdocument create a new document set for ndi.daq.system objects
numepochs Number of epochs of ndi.epoch.epochset
removeepochtag Remove tag(s) for an epoch
resetepochtable clear an ndi.epoch.epochset epochtable in memory and force it to be re-read from disk
searchquery search for an ndi.daq.system
session return the ndi.session object associated with the ndi.daq.system object
set_daqmetadatareader set the cell array of ndi.daq.metadatareader objects
setepochprobemap Sets the epoch record of a particular epoch
setepochtag Set tag(s) for an epoch
setsession set the SESSION for an ndi.daq.system object's filenavigator (type ndi.daq.system)
system create a new NDI_DEVICE object
t0_t1 return the t0_t1 (beginning and end) epoch times for an epoch
underlyingepochnodes find all the underlying epochnodes of a given epochnode
unique_id Generate a unique ID number for DID databases (Static method)
verifyepochprobemap Verifies that an EPOCHPROBEMAP is compatible with a given device and the data on disk

Methods help

addepochtag - Add tag(s) for an epoch


  Tags are name/value pairs returned in the form of a structure
  array with fields 'name' and 'value'. These tags will be added to any
  tags in the epoch EPOCHNUMBER. If tags with the same names as those in TAG
  already exist, they will be overwritten. If there is no epoch 
  EPOCHNUMBER, then an error is returned.

Help for ndi.daq.system/addepochtag is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset.param

buildepochgraph - compute the epochgraph among epochs for an ndi.epoch.epochset object


  Compute the cost and the mapping among epochs in the EPOCHTABLE for an ndi.epoch.epochset object

  COST is an MxM matrix where M is the number of EPOCHNODES.
  For example, if there is one epoch with clock types 'dev_local_time' and 'utc', then M is 2.
  Each entry COST(i,j) indicates whether there is a mapping between (epoch, clocktype) i to j.
  The cost of each transformation is normally 1 operation. 
  MAPPING is the ndi.time.timemapping object that describes the mapping.

  In the abstract class, the following NDI_CLOCKTYPEs, if they exist, are linked across epochs with 
  a cost of 1 and a linear mapping rule with shift 1 and offset 0:
    'utc' -> 'utc'
    'utc' -> 'approx_utc'
    'exp_global_time' -> 'exp_global_time'
    'exp_global_time' -> 'approx_exp_global_time'
    'dev_global_time' -> 'dev_global_time'
    'dev_global_time' -> 'approx_dev_global_time'

  See also: ndi.time.clocktype, ndi.time.clocktype/ndi.time.clocktype, ndi.time.timemapping, ndi.time.timemapping/ndi.time.timemapping, 

Help for ndi.daq.system/buildepochgraph is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset

buildepochtable - Build the epochtable for an ndi.daq.system object


  Returns the epoch table for NDI_DAQSYSTEM_OBJ

cached_epochgraph - return the cached epoch graph of an ndi.epoch.epochset object


  Return the cached version of the epoch graph, if it exists and is up-to-date
  (that is, the hash number from the EPOCHTABLE of NDI_EPOCHSET_OBJ 
  has not changed). If there is no cached version, or if it is not up-to-date,
  COST and MAPPING will be empty. If the cached epochgraph is present and not up-to-date,
  it is deleted.


Help for ndi.daq.system/cached_epochgraph is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset

cached_epochtable - return the cached epochtable of an ndi.epoch.epochset object


  Return the cached version of the epochtable, if it exists, along with its HASHVALUE
  (a hash number generated from the table). If there is no cached version,
  ET and HASHVALUE will be empty.

Help for ndi.daq.system/cached_epochtable is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset

deleteepoch - Delete an epoch and an epoch record from a device


  Deletes the data and ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem and epoch data for epoch NUMBER.
  If REMOVEDATA is present and is 1, the data and record are physically deleted.
  If REMOVEDATA is omitted or is 0, the data and record are renamed but not deleted from disk.

  In the abstract class, this command takes no action.

  See also: ndi.daq.system, ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem

epoch2str - convert an epoch number or id to a string


  Returns the epoch NUMBER in the form of a string. If it is a simple
  integer, then INT2STR is used to produce a string. If it is an epoch
  identifier string, then it is returned.

Help for ndi.daq.system/epoch2str is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset

epochclock - return the ndi.time.clocktype objects for an epoch


  Return the clock types available for this epoch as a cell array
  of ndi.time.clocktype objects (or sub-class members).

  For the generic ndi.daq.system, this returns a single clock
  type 'no_time';

  See also: ndi.time.clocktype

epochgraph - graph of the mapping and cost of converting time among epochs


  Compute the cost and the mapping among epochs in the EPOCHTABLE for an ndi.epoch.epochset object

  COST is an MxM matrix where M is the number of ordered pairs of (epochs, clocktypes).
  For example, if there is one epoch with clock types 'dev_local_time' and 'utc', then M is 2.
  Each entry COST(i,j) indicates whether there is a mapping between (epoch, clocktype) i to j.
  The cost of each transformation is normally 1 operation. 
  MAPPING is the ndi.time.timemapping object that describes the mapping.

Help for ndi.daq.system/epochgraph is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset

epochid - return the epoch id string for an epoch


  Returns the EPOCHID for epoch with number EPOCH_NUMBER.
  In ndi.daq.system, this is determined by the associated
  ndi.file.navigator object.

epochnodes - return all epoch nodes from an ndi.epoch.epochset object


  Return all EPOCHNODES for an ndi.epoch.epochset. EPOCHNODES consist of the
  following fields:
  Fieldname:                | Description
  'epoch_id'                | The epoch ID code (will never change once established, though it may be deleted.)
                            |   This epoch ID uniquely specifies the epoch within the session.
  'epoch_session_id'           | The ID of the session that contains the epoch
  'epochprobemap'           | Any contents information for each epoch, usually of type ndi.epoch.epochprobemap or empty.
  'epoch_clock'             | A SINGLE ndi.time.clocktype entry that describes the clock type of this node.
  't0_t1'                   | The times [t0 t1] of the beginning and end of the epoch in units of 'epoch_clock'
  'underlying_epochs'       | A structure array of the ndi.epoch.epochset objects that comprise these epochs.
                            |   It contains fields 'underlying', 'epoch_id', and 'epochprobemap'
  'objectname'              | A string containing the 'name' field of NDI_EPOCHSET_OBJ, if it exists. If there is no
                            |   'name' field, then 'unknown' is used.
  'objectclass'             | The object class name of the NDI_EPOCHSET_OBJ.

  EPOCHNODES are related to EPOCHTABLE entries, except 
     a) only 1 ndi.time.clocktype is permitted per epoch node. If an entry in epoch table contains
        multiple ndi.time.clocktype entries, then each one will have its own epoch node. This aids
        in the construction of the EPOCHGRAPH that helps the system map time from one epoch to another.
     b) EPOCHNODES contain identifying information (objectname and objectclass) to help
        in identifying the epoch nodes across ndi.epoch.epochset objects. 

  UNDERLYINGNODES are nodes that are directly linked to this ndi.epoch.epochset's node via 'underlying' epochs.

Help for ndi.daq.system/epochnodes is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset

epochprobemapfilename - return the filename for the ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem file for an epoch


  Returns the EPOCHPROBEMAPFILENAME for the ndi.daq.system epoch EPOCH_NUMBER_OR_ID.
  If there is no epoch NUMBER, an error is generated. The file name is returned with
  a full path.

epochsetname - the name of the ndi.epoch.epochset object, for EPOCHNODES


  Returns the object name that is used when creating epoch nodes.

  If the class has a 'name' property, that property is used.
  Otherwise, 'unknown' is used.

Help for ndi.daq.system/epochsetname is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset

epochtable - Return an epoch table that relates the current object's epochs to underlying epochs


  ET is a structure array with the following fields:
  Fieldname:                | Description
  'epoch_number'            | The number of the epoch. The number may change as epochs are added and subtracted.
  'epoch_id'                | The epoch ID code (will never change once established, though it may be deleted.)
                            |   This epoch ID uniquely specifies the epoch.
  'epoch_session_id'           | The session ID that contains this epoch
  'epochprobemap'           | Any contents information for each epoch, usually of type ndi.epoch.epochprobemap or empty.
  'epoch_clock'             | A cell array of ndi.time.clocktype objects that describe the type of clocks available
  't0_t1'                   | A cell array of ordered pairs [t0 t1] that indicates, for each ndi.time.clocktype, the start and stop
                            |   time of this epoch. The time units of t0_t1{i} match epoch_clock{i}.
  'underlying_epochs'       | A structure array of the ndi.epoch.epochset objects that comprise these epochs.
                            |   It contains fields 'underlying', 'epoch_number', 'epoch_id', and 'epochprobemap'

  HASHVALUE is the hashed value of the epochtable. One can check to see if the epochtable
  has changed with ndi.epoch.epochset/MATCHEDEPOCHTABLE.

  After it is read from disk once, the ET is stored in memory and is not re-read from disk
  unless the user calls ndi.epoch.epochset/RESETEPOCHTABLE.

Help for ndi.daq.system/epochtable is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset

epochtableentry - return the entry of the EPOCHTABLE that corresonds to an EPOCHID


  Returns the EPOCHTABLE entry associated with the ndi.epoch.epochset object
  that corresponds to EPOCH_NUMBER_OR_ID, which can be the number of the
  epoch or the EPOCHID of the epoch.

Help for ndi.daq.system/epochtableentry is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset

epochtagfilename - return the file path for the tag file for an epoch


  In this base class, empty is returned because it is an abstract class.

eq - are two ndi.daq.system objects equal?


  Returns 1 if the ndi.daq.system objects have the same name and class type.
  The objects do not have to be the same handle or have the same space in memory.
  Otherwise, returns 0.

getcache - return the NDI_CACHE and key for ndi.daq.system


  Returns the CACHE and KEY for the ndi.daq.system object.

  The CACHE is returned from the associated session.
  The KEY is the string 'daqsystem_' followed by the object's id.

  See also: ndi.daq.system, NDI_BASE

getepochprobemap - Return the epoch record for an ndi.daq.system object


      NDI_EPOCHSET_PARAM_OBJ - the ndi.epoch.epochset.param object
      EPOCH - the epoch number or identifier

      EPOCHPROBEMAP - The epoch record information associated with epoch N for device with name DEVICENAME

  The ndi.daq.system GETEPOCHPROBEMAP checks its DAQREADER object to see if it has a method called
  'GETEPOCHPROBEMAP' that accepts the EPOCHPROBEMAP filename and the EPOCHFILES for that epoch.
  If it does have a method by that name, it is called and the output returned. If it does not, then the FILENAVIGATOR
  parameter's method is called.

getepochtag - Get tag(s) from an epoch


  Tags are name/value pairs returned in the form of a structure
  array with fields 'name' and 'value'. If there are no files in
  EPOCHNUMBER then an error is returned.

Help for ndi.daq.system/getepochtag is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset.param

getmetadata - get metadata for an epoch


  Returns the metadata (cell array of entries) for EPOCH for metadata channel
  CHANNEL. CHANNEL indicates the number of the ndi.daq.metadatareader to use 
  to obtain the data.

getprobes - GETPROBES = Return all of the probes associated with an ndi.daq.system object


  Returns all probes associated with the ndi.daq.system object NDI_DEVICE_OBJ

  This function returns a structure with fields of all unique probes across
  all EPOCHPROBEMAP objects returned in ndi.daq.system/GETEPOCHPROBEMAP.
  The fields are 'name', 'reference', and 'type'.

id - return the identifier of an DID.IDO object


  Returns the unique identifier of an DID.IDO object.

Help for ndi.daq.system/id is inherited from superclass did.ido

ingest - ingest the data from an ndi.daq.system into the database


  Ingest any uningested epochs from an ndi.daq.system object into the database.
  B is 1 if the operation is successful. D is a cell array of new ndi.document objects
  that were created and added to the database.

issyncgraphroot - should this object be a root in an ndi.time.syncgraph epoch graph?


  This function tells an ndi.time.syncgraph object whether it should continue 
  adding the 'underlying' epochs to the graph, or whether it should stop at this level.

  For ndi.epoch.epochset objects, this returns 1. For some object types (ndi.probe.*, for example)
  this will return 0 so that the underlying ndi.daq.system epochs are added.

Help for ndi.daq.system/issyncgraphroot is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset

matchedepochtable - compare a hash number from an epochtable to the current version


  Returns 1 if the current hashed value of the cached epochtable is identical to HASHVALUE.
  Otherwise, it returns 0.

Help for ndi.daq.system/matchedepochtable is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset

ndi_daqsystem_gui_edit - function for editing an ndi.daq.system object


  This function will bring up a graphical window to prompt the user to input
  parameters that edit the NDI_DAQSYSTEM_OBJ and return a new object.

newdocument - create a new document set for ndi.daq.system objects


  Creates a set of documents that describe an ndi.daq.system.

numepochs - Number of epochs of ndi.epoch.epochset


  Returns the number of epochs in the ndi.epoch.epochset object NDI_EPOCHSET_OBJ.

  See also: EPOCHTABLE

Help for ndi.daq.system/numepochs is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset

removeepochtag - Remove tag(s) for an epoch


  Tags are name/value pairs returned in the form of a structure
  array with fields 'name' and 'value'. Any tags with name 'NAME' will
  be removed from the tags in the epoch EPOCHNUMBER.
  tags in the epoch directory. If tags with the same names as those in TAG
  already exist, they will be overwritten. If there is no epoch
  EPOCHNUMBER, then an error is returned.

  NAME can be a single string, or it can be a cell array of strings
  (which will result in the removal of multiple tags).

Help for ndi.daq.system/removeepochtag is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset.param

resetepochtable - clear an ndi.epoch.epochset epochtable in memory and force it to be re-read from disk


  This function clears the internal cached memory of the epochtable, forcing it to be re-read from
  disk at the next request.

  See also: ndi.daq.system/EPOCHTABLE

Help for ndi.daq.system/resetepochtable is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset

searchquery - search for an ndi.daq.system


  Returns SQ, an ndi.query object that searches the database for the ndi.daq.system object

session - return the ndi.session object associated with the ndi.daq.system object


  Return the ndi.session object associated with the ndi.daq.system of the
  ndi.daq.system object.

set_daqmetadatareader - set the cell array of ndi.daq.metadatareader objects


  Sets the 'daqmetadatareader' property of an ndi.daq.system object.
  NEWDAQMETADATAREADERS should be a cell array of objects that have 
  ndi.daq.metadatareader as a superclass.

setepochprobemap - Sets the epoch record of a particular epoch


  Sets or replaces the ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem for NDI_EPOCHSET_PARAM_OBJ with EPOCHPROBEMAP for the epoch
  numbered NUMBER.  If OVERWRITE is present and is 1, then any existing epoch record is overwritten.
  Otherwise, an error is given if there is an existing epoch record.

  See also: ndi.daq.system, ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem

Help for ndi.daq.system/setepochprobemap is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset.param

setepochtag - Set tag(s) for an epoch


  Tags are name/value pairs returned in the form of a structure
  array with fields 'name' and 'value'. These tags will replace any
  tags in the epoch directory. If there is no epoch EPOCHNUMBER, then 
  an error is returned.

Help for ndi.daq.system/setepochtag is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset.param

setsession - set the SESSION for an ndi.daq.system object's filenavigator (type ndi.daq.system)


  Set the SESSION property of an ndi.daq.system object's ndi.daq.system object

system - create a new NDI_DEVICE object


   Creates an ndi.daq.system with name NAME, NDI_FILENAVIGTOR THEFILENAVIGATOR and
   and ndi.daq.reader THEDAQREADER.

   An ndi.file.navigator is an interface object to the raw data files
   on disk that are read by the ndi.daq.reader object.

   ndi.daq.system is an abstract class, and a specific implementation must be called.

    Documentation for ndi.daq.system/system
       doc ndi.daq.system

t0_t1 - return the t0_t1 (beginning and end) epoch times for an epoch


  Return the beginning (t0) and end (t1) times of the epoch EPOCH_NUMBER
  in the same units as the ndi.time.clocktype objects returned by EPOCHCLOCK.

  The abstract class always returns {[NaN NaN]}.

  See also: ndi.time.clocktype, EPOCHCLOCK

underlyingepochnodes - find all the underlying epochnodes of a given epochnode


  Traverse the underlying nodes of a given EPOCHNODE until we get to the roots
  (an ndi.epoch.epochset object with ISSYNGRAPHROOT that returns 1).

  Note that the EPOCHNODE itself is returned as the first 'underlying' node.


Help for ndi.daq.system/underlyingepochnodes is inherited from superclass ndi.epoch.epochset

unique_id - Generate a unique ID number for DID databases (Static method)


  Generates a unique ID character array based on the current time and a random
  number. It is a hexidecimal representation of the serial date number in
  UTC Leap Seconds time. The serial date number is the number of days since January 0, 0000 at 0:00:00.
  The integer portion of the date is the whole number of days and the fractional part of the date number
  is the fraction of days.


  See also: NUM2HEX, NOW, RAND

Help for ndi.daq.system.unique_id is inherited from superclass did.ido

verifyepochprobemap - Verifies that an EPOCHPROBEMAP is compatible with a given device and the data on disk


  Examines the ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem EPOCHPROBEMAP and determines if it is valid for the given device
  epoch EPOCH.

  For the abstract class ndi.daq.system, EPOCHPROBEMAP is always valid as long as
  EPOCHPROBEMAP is an ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem object.

  See also: ndi.daq.system, ndi.epoch.epochprobemap_daqsystem