Skip to content - create a mock subject, stimulator, and neuron set


  Creates a mock subject, a mock stimulator, a mock stimulus presentation,
  and mock spiking neuron with responses as specified.
  OUTPUT is a structure with fields discussed below.

  OUTPUT.refNum: a random reference number, used in the name and reference of the
  mock subject and the mock stimulator and mock spike object.

  OUTPUT.mock_subject: Attempts to find or create a mock subject called
     ''. An NDI_document is returned in field mock_subject.  

  OUTPUT.mock_stimulator: Attempts to find or create a stimulator with name 
     'mock stimulator' and pseudorandom reference. An NDI_document is returned in
     field mock_stimulator.

  OUTPUT.mock_spikes: Mock spiking neuron NDI_document (of type
    (ndi.element.timeseries with name 'mock spikes', a pseduorandom reference, type 'spikes')