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CLASS - an app to decode stimulus information from NDI_PROBE_STIMULUS objects


  Creates a new object that can operate on
  NDI_SESSIONS. The app is named 'ndi_app_stimulus_response'.

Superclasses, ndi.documentservice


Property Description


Method Description
compute_stimulus_response_scalar compute responses to a stimulus set
control_stimulus determine the control stimulus ID for each stimulus in a stimulus set
find_tuningcurve_document find a tuning curve document of a particular element, epochid, etc...
label_control_stimuli label control stimuli for all stimulus presentation documents for a given stimulator
make_1d_tuning create 1d tuning documents out of stimulus responses that covary in 2 parameters
modulated_or_mean is the response stronger in modulation or mean?
newdocument return a new database document of type ndi.document based on an app
searchquery return a search query for an ndi.document related to this app
stimulus_responses write stimulus records for all stimulus epochs of an ndi.element stimulus object
tuning_curve compute a tuning curve from stimulus responses
tuning_response an app to decode stimulus information from NDI_PROBE_STIMULUS objects
tuningcurvedoc2vhlabrespstruct convert between a tuning curve document and the VH lab response structure
tuningdoc_fixcellarrays make sure fields that are supposed to be cell arrays are cell arrays in TUNINGCURVE document
tuningdoc_fixcellarrays_static make sure fields that are supposed to be cell arrays are cell arrays in TUNINGCURVE document
varappname return the name of the application for use in variable creation
version_url return the app version and url

Methods help

compute_stimulus_response_scalar - compute responses to a stimulus set


  Given an NDI_TIMESERIES_OBJ, a STIM_DOC (an ndi.document of class 'stimulus_presentation'), and a
  CONTROL_DOC (an ndi.document of class 'control_stimulus_ids'), this
  function computes the stimulus responses of NDI_TIMESERIES_OBJ and stores the results as an
  ndi.document of class 'stimulus_response_scalar'. In this app, by default, mean responses and responses at the
  fundamental stimulus frequency are calculated. Note that this function may generate multiple documents (for mean responses,
  F1, F2).

  Note that we recommend making a new app subclass if one wants to write additional classes of analysis procedures.

  This function also takes name/value pairs that alter the behavior:
  Parameter (default)                  | Description
  temporalfreqfunc                     |
    ('')  |
  freq_response ([])                   | Frequency response to measure. If empty, then the function is 
                                       |   called 3 times with values 0, 1, and 2 times the fundamental frequency.
  prestimulus_time ([])                | Calculate a baseline using a certain amount of TIMESERIES signal during
                                       |     the pre-stimulus time given here
  prestimulus_normalization ([])       | Normalize the stimulus response based on the prestimulus measurement.
                                       | [] or 0) No normalization
                                       |       1) Subtract: Response := Response - PrestimResponse
                                       |       2) Fractional change Response:= ((Response-PrestimResponse)/PrestimResponse)
                                       |       3) Divide: Response:= Response ./ PreStimResponse
  isspike (0)                          | 0/1 Is the signal a spike process? If so, timestamps correspond to spike events.
  spiketrain_dt (0.001)                | Resolution to use for spike train reconstruction if computing Fourier transform

control_stimulus - determine the control stimulus ID for each stimulus in a stimulus set


  For a given set of stimuli described in ndi.document of type 'stimulus',
  this function returns the control stimulus ID for each stimulus in the vector CS_IDS 
  and a corresponding ndi.document of type control_stimulus_ids that describes this relationship.

  This function accepts parameters in the form of NAME/VALUE pairs:
  Parameter (default)              | Description
  control_stim_method              | The method to be used to find the control stimulu for
   ('psuedorandom')                |    each stimulus:
                        |   pseudorandom: Find the stimulus with a parameter
                        |      'controlid' that is in the same pseudorandom trial. In the
                        |      event that there is no match that divides evenly into 
                        |      complete repetitions of the stimulus set, then the
                        |      closest stimulus with field 'controlid' is chosen.
  controlid ('isblank')            | For some methods, the parameter that defines whether
                                   |    a stimulus is a 'control' stimulus or not.
  controlid_value (1)              | For some methods, the parameter value of 'controlid' that
                                   |    defines whether a stimulus is a control stimulus or not.

find_tuningcurve_document - find a tuning curve document of a particular element, epochid, etc...


label_control_stimuli - label control stimuli for all stimulus presentation documents for a given stimulator


  Thus function will look for all 'stimulus_presentation' documents for STIMULUS_PROBE_OBJ,
  compute the corresponding control stimuli, and save them as an 'control_stimulus_ids' 
  document that is also returned as a cell list in CS_DOC.

  If RESET is 1, then any existing documents of this type are first removed. If RESET is not provided or is
  empty, then it is taken to be 0.

  The method of finding the control stimulus can be provided by providing extra name/value pairs.
  See for parameters.

make_1d_tuning - create 1d tuning documents out of stimulus responses that covary in 2 parameters


  This function examines a stimulus response doc that covaries in 2 parameters, and "deals" the responses into several tuning
  curves where the parameter with name PARAM_TO_VARY varies across stimuli and the stimulus parameter with name
  PARAM_TO_FIX is fixed for each tuning doc.

modulated_or_mean - is the response stronger in modulation or mean?

[B,ratio,mean_response,modulated_response,mean_index,modulated_index] = ...

  Given a cell array of STIMULUS_RESPONSE_SCALAR documents that
  correspond to different response types to the same stimulus, this
  function examines whether the best modulated response
  is greater than the best mean response.

  B is 1 if the modulated response is greater, and 0 if the mean response is greater.
  If there is no basis for the comparison, then -1 is returned.

  MEAN_RESPONSE is the mean response for the stimulus that has the largest
  response (this largest response could be the mean or the modulated response).
  MODULATED_RESPONSE is the modulated response for the stimulus that has the largest
  response (this largest response could be the mean or the modulated response).
  RATIO is the ratio of these two values (MODULATED_RESPONSE / MEAN_RESPONSE).

  MEAN_INDEX is the index number of the stimulus response scalar document with the
  mean response. MODULATED_INDEX is the index number of the stimulus
  response scalar document with the modulated response.

  This function examines the empirical responses and does not do any

  This function also takes name/value pairs that modify the default behavior.

  | Parameter (default)          | Description                                     |
  |  modulated_response_names    | Possible matches for the modulated responses    |
  |  ({'F1','modulated'})        |   in the 'response_type' field of the           |
  |                              |   STIMULUS_RESPONSE_SCALAR documents.           |
  |  mean_response_names         | Possible matches for the mean responses         |
  |  ({'F0','mean'})             |   in the 'response_type' field of the           |
  |                              |   STIMULUS_RESPONSE_SCALAR documents.           |

  Step 0: initialize parameters

newdocument - return a new database document of type ndi.document based on an app


  Creates a blank ndi.document object of type 'app'. The '' field
  is filled out with the name of NDI_APP_OBJ.VARAPPNAME().

Help for is inherited from superclass

searchquery - return a search query for an ndi.document related to this app


  Returns a cell array of strings that allow the creation or searching of an
  ndi.database document for this app with field 'app' that has subfield 'name' equal
  to the app's VARAPPNAME.

Help for is inherited from superclass

stimulus_responses - write stimulus records for all stimulus epochs of an ndi.element stimulus object


  Examines a the ndi.session associated with NDI_APP_TUNING_RESPONSE_OBJ and the stimulus
  probe NDI_STIM_PROBE, and creates documents of type STIMULUS/STIMULUS_RESPONSE_SCALAR for all
  stimulus epochs.
  (NDI2: docs say it creates  and STIMULUS/STIMULUS_TUNINGCURVE but it does not seem to do that)

  If STIMULUS_PRESENTATION and STIMULUS_TUNINGCURVE documents already exist for a given
  stimulus run, then they are returned in EXISTINGDOCS. Any new documents are returned in NEWDOCS.

  If the input argument RESET is given and is 1, then all existing tuning curve documents for this
  NDI_TIMESERIES_OBJ are removed. The default for RESET is 0 (if it is not provided).

  If the input argument DO_MEAN_ONLY is given and is 1, then the function only computes the mean responses.
  No F1 or F2 responses will be calculated.

  Note that this function DOES add the new documents RDOCS to the database.

tuning_curve - compute a tuning curve from stimulus responses


  This function accepts name/value pairs that modifies its basic operation:

  Parameter (default)         | Description
  response_units ('Spikes/s') | Response units to pass along
  independent_label {'label1'}| Independent parameter axis label
  independent_parameter {}    | Independent parameters to search for in stimuli.
                              |   Can be multi-dimensional to create multi-variate 
                              |   tuning curves. Only stimuli that contain these fields
                              |   will be included.
                              |   Examples: {'angle'}  {'angle','sFrequency'}
  constraint ([])             | Constraints in the form of a structure.
                              |   Example: struct('field','sFrequency','operation',...
                              |              'exact_number','param1',1,'param2','')
  do_Add (1)                  | Should we actually add this to the database?

  See also:

tuning_response - an app to decode stimulus information from NDI_PROBE_STIMULUS objects


  Creates a new object that can operate on
  NDI_SESSIONS. The app is named 'ndi_app_stimulus_response'.

    Documentation for

tuningcurvedoc2vhlabrespstruct - convert between a tuning curve document and the VH lab response structure


  Converts entries from an NDI TUNINGCURVE document to a VH-lab response structure.
  This function is generally used when one wants to call the VH lab libraries.

    RESPSTRUCT is a structure  of response properties with fields:
    curve    |    4xnumber of directions tested,
             |      curve(1,:) is directions tested (degrees, compass coords.)
             |      curve(2,:) is mean responses, with control subtracted
             |      curve(3,:) is standard deviation
             |      curve(4,:) is standard error
    ind      |    cell list of individual trial responses for each direction
    spont    |    control responses [mean stddev stderr]
    spontind |    individual control responses
    blankresp|    response to a control trial: [mean stddev stderr]
    blankind |    individual responses to control

tuningdoc_fixcellarrays - make sure fields that are supposed to be cell arrays are cell arrays in TUNINGCURVE document

DEPRICATED - will cause an error

tuningdoc_fixcellarrays_static - make sure fields that are supposed to be cell arrays are cell arrays in TUNINGCURVE document

varappname - return the name of the application for use in variable creation


  Returns the name of the app modified for use as a variable name, either as
  a Matlab variable or a name in a document.

Help for is inherited from superclass

version_url - return the app version and url


  Return the version and url for the current app. In the base class,
  it is assumed that GIT is used and is available from the command line
  and the version and url are read from the git directory.

  Developers should override this method in their own class if they use a 
  different version control system.

Help for is inherited from superclass