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  ndi.example.tutorials.tutorial_02_05 - runs the code in Tutorial 2.5

  out = ndi.example.tutorials.tutorial_02_05(PREFIX, [TESTING])

  Runs (and tests) the code for 

  NDI Tutorial 2: Analzying your first electrophysiology experiment with NDI
     Tutorial 2.5: Understanding and searching the NDI database
  The tutorial is available at

  PREFIX should be the directory that contains the directory 'ts_exper2'. If it is not
  provided or is empty, the default is [userpath filesep 'Documents' filesep 'NDI'].

  If TESTING is 1, then the files are examined in the temporary directory ndi_globals.path.temppath (use
  ndi.globals() to make this variable available for inspection). It is assumed that
  ndi.example.tutorial.tutorial_t02_04([],1) has been run (with TESTING set to 1).