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CLASS ndi.session.sessiontable

  NDI_SESSIONTABLE - a table for managing the file paths of NDI sessions






Method Description
addtableentry add an entry to an ndi.session.sessiontable
backupfilelist a list of backup files that are present on disk
backupsessiontable create a backup file for an ndi.session.sessiontable
checktable check the session table for proper form, accessibility
clearsessiontable clear an ndi.session.sessiontable object's data
getsessionpath look up the path of an ndi.session by its ID
getsessiontable return the session table
isvalidtable Does the session table have the correct fields?
localtablefilename return the session table filename
removetableentry remove an entry of an ndi.session.sessiontable
sessiontable a table for managing the file paths of NDI sessions

Methods help

addtableentry - add an entry to an ndi.session.sessiontable


  Adds SESSION_ID and PATH as an entry to the session table.
  If SESSION_ID is already in the table, then the entry is replaced.

backupfilelist - a list of backup files that are present on disk


  Returns a list of backup files that are available. Backup files have 
  the name [USERPATH]/Preferences/NDI/local_sessiontable_bkupNNN.txt.

backupsessiontable - create a backup file for an ndi.session.sessiontable


  Perform a backup of the sesion table file.
  The session table file is backed up in the [USERPATH]/Preferences/NDI directory
  and be named 'local_sessiontableNNN.txt', where NNN is a number.

checktable - check the session table for proper form, accessibility


  Check the ndi.session.sessiontable object's session table to see if it has the right
  form (B is 1 if it does, B is 0 otherwise). (It has the right form if it is a structure with fieldnames
  'path' and 'sesion_id'.

  If the table has the right form RESULTS is a structure array with one entry per entry in the table.
  It has a field 'exists' which is 1 if the path currently exists on the user's machine. If the table does not
  have the right form, then RESULTS is empty.

clearsessiontable - clear an ndi.session.sessiontable object's data


  Removes all entries from the ndi.session.sessiontable's file.
  If MAKEBACKUP is present and is 1, then the session table file
  is backed up first (in the Preferences/NDI directory).

getsessionpath - look up the path of an ndi.session by its ID


  Examines the ndi.session.sessiontable object to see if a path is known for a session
  with an ID of SESSION_ID. Otherwise, empty ([]) is returned;

getsessiontable - return the session table


  Returns the session table, a structure with fields 'SESSION_ID' and 'PATH'. Each entry
  in the table corresponds to a recently-opened or added path of ndi.session.dir.

isvalidtable - Does the session table have the correct fields?


  B is 1 if the NDI SESSION TABLE is a structure array with fields
  'path' and 'session_id', all text fields. B is 0 otherwise. If T
  is not provided, then the session table is read.

  If B is 0, then an error description is provided in MSG. MSG is '' otherwise.

localtablefilename - return the session table filename


removetableentry - remove an entry of an ndi.session.sessiontable


  Removes the entry of an ndi.session.sessiontable with the given SESSION_ID.

sessiontable - a table for managing the file paths of NDI sessions

Documentation for ndi.session.sessiontable/sessiontable
       doc ndi.session.sessiontable