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CLASS ndi.query

  ndi.query - create a query object for searching the database

  Creates an ndi.query object, which has a single property
  SEARCH that is a structure array of search structures
  appropriate for use with

  Tha is, SEARCH has the fields:
  Field:                   | Description
  field                      | A character string of the field of A to examine
  operation                  | The operation to perform. This operation determines 
                             |   values of fields 'param1' and 'param2'.
      |   'regexp'               - are there any regular expression matches between 
      |                            the field value and 'param1'?
      |   'exact_string'         - is the field value an exact string match for 'param1'?
      |   'exact_string_anycase' - is the field value an exact string match for 'param1' (case insensitive)?
      |   'contains_string'      - is the field value a char array that contains 'param1'?
      |   'exact_number'         - is the field value exactly 'param1' (same size and values)?
      |   'lessthan'             - is the field value less than 'param1' (and comparable size)
      |   'lessthaneq'           - is the field value less than or equal to 'param1' (and comparable size)
      |   'greaterthan'          - is the field value greater than 'param1' (and comparable size)
      |   'greaterthaneq'        - is the field value greater than or equal to 'param1' (and comparable size)
      |   'hasfield'             - is the field present? (no role for 'param1' or 'param2')
      |   'hasanysubfield_contains_string' - Is the field value an array of structs or cell array of structs
      |                          such that any has a field named 'param1' with a string that contains the string
      |                          in 'param2'?
      |   'or'                   - are any of the searchstruct elements specified in 'param1' true?
      |   'isa'                  - is 'param1' either a superclass or the document class itself of the ndi.document?
      |   'depends_on'           - does the document depend on an item with name 'param1' and value 'param2'?
  param1                     | Search parameter 1. Meaning depends on 'operation' (see above).
  param2                     | Search parameter 2. Meaning depends on 'operation' (see above).
  See for full documentation of the search structure.

  There are a few creator options:


  Accepts a SEARCHSTRUCT with the fields above


  Accepts a cell array with SEARCHCELLARRAY = {'property1',value1,'property2',value2, ...}
  This query is converted into a SEARCHSTRUCT with the 'regexp' operator.


   creates a SEARCHSTRUCT with the fields of the appropriate names.




Property Description
searchstructure search structure


Method Description
and add ndi.query objects
or search for this ndi.query object or that ndi.query object
query create a query object for searching the database
searchcellarray2searchstructure convert a search cell array to a search structure
searchstruct make a search structure from field, operation, param1, param2 inputs
string2query create an ndi.query from a simple paramterized string
to_searchstructure convert an ndi.query object to a set of search structures

Methods help

and - add ndi.query objects

C = AND(A,B) or C = A & B

  Combines the searches from A and B into a search C. The searchstructure field of
  C will be a concatenated version of those from A and B. The query C will only pass if
  all of the characteristics of A and B are satisfied.

or - search for this ndi.query object or that ndi.query object

C = OR(A,B)

  Produces a new ndi.query object C that is true if either ndi.query A or ndi.query B is true.

query - create a query object for searching the database

Creates an ndi.query object, which has a single property
  SEARCH that is a structure array of search structures
  appropriate for use with

  Tha is, SEARCH has the fields:
  Field:                   | Description
  field                      | A character string of the field of A to examine
  operation                  | The operation to perform. This operation determines 
                             |   values of fields 'param1' and 'param2'.
      |   'regexp'               - are there any regular expression matches between 
      |                            the field value and 'param1'?
      |   'exact_string'         - is the field value an exact string match for 'param1'?
      |   'exact_string_anycase' - is the field value an exact string match for 'param1' (case insensitive)?
      |   'contains_string'      - is the field value a char array that contains 'param1'?
      |   'exact_number'         - is the field value exactly 'param1' (same size and values)?
      |   'lessthan'             - is the field value less than 'param1' (and comparable size)
      |   'lessthaneq'           - is the field value less than or equal to 'param1' (and comparable size)
      |   'greaterthan'          - is the field value greater than 'param1' (and comparable size)
      |   'greaterthaneq'        - is the field value greater than or equal to 'param1' (and comparable size)
      |   'hasfield'             - is the field present? (no role for 'param1' or 'param2')
      |   'hasanysubfield_contains_string' - Is the field value an array of structs or cell array of structs
      |                          such that any has a field named 'param1' with a string that contains the string
      |                          in 'param2'?
      |   'or'                   - are any of the searchstruct elements specified in 'param1' true?
      |   'isa'                  - is 'param1' either a superclass or the document class itself of the ndi.document?
      |   'depends_on'           - does the document depend on an item with name 'param1' and value 'param2'?
  param1                     | Search parameter 1. Meaning depends on 'operation' (see above).
  param2                     | Search parameter 2. Meaning depends on 'operation' (see above).
  See for full documentation of the search structure.

  There are a few creator options:


  Accepts a SEARCHSTRUCT with the fields above


  Accepts a cell array with SEARCHCELLARRAY = {'property1',value1,'property2',value2, ...}
  This query is converted into a SEARCHSTRUCT with the 'regexp' operator.


   creates a SEARCHSTRUCT with the fields of the appropriate names.

    Documentation for ndi.query/query
       doc ndi.query

searchcellarray2searchstructure - convert a search cell array to a search structure


  Converts a cell array with SEARCHCELLARRAY = {'property1',value1,'property2',value2, ...}
  into a SEARCHSTRUCT with the 'regexp' operator in the case of a character 'value' or the 'exact_number'
  operator in the case of a non-character value.

  See also:, ndi.query/ndi.query

searchstruct - make a search structure from field, operation, param1, param2 inputs


  Creates search structure with the given fields FIELD, OPERATION, PARAM1, PARAM2.

  See also:, ndi.query/ndi.query

string2query - create an ndi.query from a simple paramterized string


  STRING2QUERY is a short-cut for specifying simple queries using a 
  a single character string. It is not as powerful as using the 
  usual ndi.query creator but it is a useful shortener for some situations.

  STR should be a string of the form

  Parameters values are to be surrounded in quotes if they are 
  character strings; otherwise, they are assumed to be numbers and
  are converted to numbers using the str2num function.

  If parameter is equal to 'isa', then the query uses the operator
  for the ndi.query is 'isa' and the value is the document type.

    q_out = ndi.query.string2query('"ctx",element.ref=1')
    % q_out = ndi.query('','exact_string','ctx','') & ...
    %    ndi.query('element.ref','exact_number',1)
    q_out2 = ndi.query.string2query('isa=subject')
    % q_out2 = ndi.query('','isa','subject','')

to_searchstructure - convert an ndi.query object to a set of search structures


  Converts an NDI_QUERY_OBJECT to a set of search structures without any
  ndi.query dependencies (see

  See also: