ANGLE2YBRG - Determine color by angle 0-360 degrees
[CTAB, VALUE, RGB] = vlt.colorspace.angle2ycgr([ANGLE])
Returns a color table for angle values 0:1:359. If a specific
ANGLE is given as an input argument, the function will also return
the (interpolated) value of the ANGLE in the space of the color table CTAB,
and the interpolated RGB value.
The color space ranges from yellow ([1 1 0]) at 0 degrees, to green at
90 degrees ([0 1 0]), to cyan at 180 degrees ([0 1 1]), to red ([1 0 0])
at 270 degrees, and back to yellow at 360 degrees/0 degrees.
See also: vlt.colorspace.angle2ybgr
ctab = vlt.colorspace.angle2ycgr; % (can serve as a color map for angle data)
angle = 5.5;
[ctab, value, rgb] = vlt.colorspace.angle2ycgr(angle);