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  STRUCT2STR - Create a short text string to summarize a structure

   STR =

   Produces a string representation of a structure.  Character strings
   are written directly, integers are written using INT2STR, and 
   numbers are written using NUM2STR.  Any other objects are written
   using the function DISP.

   If a single structure element is passed as THESTRUCT, then a
   single string is returned.  If an array or matrix of structure
   elements is passed, then a cell array/matrix of strings is returned.
   One can force the routine to return a cell array in the case of a 
   a single structure with the 'forcecell' option below.

   This is useful for displaying a structure in a listbox or for
   writing the structure to a file as text.

   The default parameters may be overridden by passing NAME/VALUE
   pairs as additional arguments, as in:

    STR =, 'NAME1', VALUE1,...)

   Parameters:             | Description
   separator               | The separator between fields (default ' : ')
   forcecell               | Should STR be a cell array of strings even if
                           |    a single structure element is used as THESTRUCT
                           |    (Default 0, can be 1)
   headerrow               | Should we have a header row? (Default 0, can be 1)
                           |    In this case STR is always returned as a 
                           |    cell array of strings
   precision               | Precision we should use for mat2str (default 15)
                           |    (this is the number of digits we should use)