STRUCT2TABSTR - convert a struct to a tab-delimited string
S = vlt.data.struct2tabstr(A)
Given a Matlab STRUCT variable A, this function creates a tab-delimited
string with the values of the structure.
Values are read from the FIELDNAMES of the structure in turn. If they are
of type 'char', then they are added to the string S directly. Otherwise,
they are converted using MAT2STR.
See also: vlt.file.loadStructArray, vlt.file.saveStructArray, vlt.data.tabstr2struct
a.fielda = 5;
a.fieldb = 'my string data';
s = vlt.data.struct2tabstr(a)
% convert back
a2 = vlt.data.tabstr2struct(s, {'fielda','fieldb'} )