TEXT2STRUCT - Convert a text string to a structure
S = vlt.data.text2struct(STR)
Given a full, multi-line string, converts to Matlab structures.
Each line of the text string STR should have a field name,
a colon (':') and values following. If the user wishes to specify
a substructure, provide a '<' following the name of the substructure.
Multiple structures can be specified by leaving a blank line between
structure descriptions.
If there is more than 1 struct to convert, then S is a cell list of
all of the structures described in STR.
Note: At this time, this function does not handle cell lists, which is
too bad. Someone should add this.
Example input:
eol = sprintf('\n'); % end of line character
str = ['type: spiketimelistel' eol ... % indicates that the field type has a value of 'spiketimelistel'
'T: 0' eol ... % indicates that the field 'T' has a value of 0
'dT: 0.0001' eol ... % indicates that the field dT has a value of 0.0001
'name: cell1' eol ... % name is 'cell1'
'spiketimelistel: <' eol ... % a substructure called spiketimelistel
'spiketimelist: 0.0001' eol ... % the field in the substructure
'>' eol ... % indicate end of substructure
eol ]; % blank line ends the structure (not necessary for last structure in list)
mystruct = vlt.data.text2struct(str);
The function can be modified by the addition of name/value pairs:
Name (default): | Description
WarnOnBadField (0) | 0/1 Produce a warning when a field name
| that cannot be a Matlab field name
| is encountered.
ErrorOnBadField (0) | 0/1 Produce an error when a field name
| that cannot be a Matlab field name
| is encountered (otherwise that entry
| is ignored)
BraceLeft ('<') | The left brace character
BraceRight ('>') | The right brace character