READVHLSPIKEWAVEFORMFILE - Read spike waveforms from binary file
[WAVEFORMS, HEADER] = vlt.file.custom_file_formats.readvhlspikewaveformfile(FID_OR_FILENAME)
[WAVEFORMS, HEADER] = vlt.file.custom_file_formats.readvhlspikewaveformfile(FID_OR_FILENAME,...
Attempts to read spikewaves from WAVE_START to WAVE_END from the binary file
whose name is given as the first argument, or from the file descriptor (FID).
The header is parsed and returned in HEADER.
WAVE_END can be INF to indicate that waves should be read to the end of the file.
The waves are numbered from 1 .. MAX, so WAVE_START needs to be at least 1.
If WAVE_START and WAVE_END are not provided, then all waves are read.
If WAVE_START is less than 1, then only the header is read.
The waveforms are output in the form NUM_SAMPLESxNUM_CHANNELSxNUM_WAVEFORMS