READVHLVHEADERFILE - Read VHLV header file format
HEADERSTRUCT = vlt.file.custom_file_formats.readvhlvheaderfile(MYFILENAME)
Reads the header file format for the VHLAB LabView
multichannel acquisition system.
It expects MYFILENAME to be the name of a text file, where each line
begins with a field name followed by a colon ':' and then a tab, followed
by the value. The expected fields are 'ChannelString', which indicates the
channel names that were acquired in the LabView system, 'NumChans', the number
of channels that were acquired, 'SamplingRate', the sampling rate of each
channel in Hz, and 'SamplesPerChunk', which indicates how many samples were
written to disk in each burst of recording. 'Multiplexed' indicates
whether adjacent samples are from different channels (1) or if
the channel data is loaded in groups of SamplesPerChunk (0).
The channel numbers correspond to the inputs described in 'ChannelString'.
For example, if ChannelString is '/dev/ai0', then there is just 1 channel
and it corresponds to analog input 0 on the acquisition device.
Use vlt.file.custom_file_formats.readvhlvdatafile to read the data.
headerstruct = vlt.file.custom_file_formats.readvhlvheaderfile('vhlvanaloginput.vlh')
headerstruct =
ChannelString: [1x26 char]
NumChans: 17
SamplingRate: 25000
SamplesPerChunk: 25000
Multiplexed: 0
See also STRUCT, vlt.file.custom_file_formats.readvhlvdatafile