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   XMLSTRUCT_ATTRIBUTE2STRUCT Convert an XMLSTRUCT Name/Attribute/Data structure to Matlab structure

   THESTRUCT = vlt.file.xml.xmlstruct_attributename2struct(XMLSTRUCT_INPUT)

   Creates a Matlab structure based on a Matlab XML structure XMLSTRUCT_INPUT
   such as that returnd by vlt.file.xml.parseXML.

   This function loops through all ATTRIBUTES of each entry of XMLSTRUCT_INPUT,
   and creates a field in the structure THESTRUCT with the name of the attribute
   and the 'Data' of the element. In the event that the 'Data' field is empty and
   there is a single child in the 'Children' field, the 'Data' field of the single
   child will be used.

   See also: vlt.file.xml.parseXML