NAKA_RUSHTON Naka-Rushton fit (for contrast curves)
[RM,B] = vlt.fit.naka_rushton(C,DATA)
Finds the best fit to the Naka-Rushton function
R(c) = Rm*c/(b+c)
where C is contrast (0-1), Rm is the maximum response, and b is the
half-maximum contrast.
[RM,B,N] = vlt.fit.naka_rushton(C,DATA)
Finds the best fit to the Naka-Rushton function
R(c) = Rm*c^n/(b+c^n)
where C is contrast (0-1), Rm is the maximum response, and b is the
half-maximum contrast.
[RM,B,N,S] = vlt.fit.naka_rushton(C,DATA)
Finds the best fit to the Naka-Rushton function
R(c) = Rm*c^n/(b^(s*n)+c^(s*n))
where C is contrast (0-1), Rm is the maximum response, and b is the
half-maximum contrast, and s is a saturation factor.
Naka_Rushton fit was first described in
Naka, Rushton, J.Physiol. London 185: 536-555, 1966
and used to fit contrast data of cortical cells in
Albrecht and Hamilton, J. Neurophys. 48: 217-237, 1982
The saturation form was described in Peirce 2007 J Vision