GIT_PULL-pullchangestoagitrepositoryB=vlt.git.git_pull(DIRNAME,REPOSITORY)'Install'isourtermforforcingthelocaldirectoryDIRNAMEtomatchtheremoteREPOSITORY,eitherbycloningorpullingthelatestchanges.AnyfilesinthelocaldirectoryDIRNAMEthatdon't match the remote REPOSITORY are deleted. If DIRNAME does not exist, then the repository is cloned. If DIRNAME exists and has local changes, the changes are stashed and the directory is updated by pulling. If the DIRNAME exists and has no local changes, the directory is updated by pulling. Note: if you have any local changes, vlt.git.git_install will stash them and warn the user. B is 1 if the operation is successful.