FACEBOOK_HTMLTABLE - make a table of faces and names for VHlab website
Takes as input a STRUCT FACEINFO that has fields 'imagefile' and 'name'
and generates an html output table (in a cell array of strings) in STR.
This function also takes name/value pairs that modify its behavior:
Parameter (default value) | Description
Ncols (3) | Number of columns
imagewidth (200) | Image width, in pixels
nametablestylestring | Style of the name table entries
('style="text-align: center; vertical-align:top; width:200px;font-size:100%;"') |
nametableprefix | Prefix formatting for name table entries
('<fontface="veranda, sans-serif"><b>') |
nametablepostfix | Postfix formatting for name table entries
('</b></font>') |
tableidstr ('') | If using a style, could be ' id="facebooktable"' for example
We use this to generate the undergraduate alumni portion of
See also: vlt.file.cellstr2text, vlt.data.namevaluepair