ROI_RESEGMENT - resegment an ROI using an algorithm like WATERSHED
Given pixel index values of an ROI in an image IM, ROI_RESEGMENT re-evalutes
the ROI using a segmenting function like WATERSHED. It returns a structure of new
ROIs CC with fields as follows:
Field | Description
'Connectivity' | The connectivity used (see name/value pairs)
'ImageSize' | size(IM)
'NumObjects' | The number of resegmented ROIs found
'PixelIdxList' | A cell array of pixel index values of the resegmented ROIs
This function also takes name/value pairs that modify its operation:
Parameter (default) | Description
'resegment_algorithm' ('watershed') | Function that is called to resegment.
'values_outside_roi' (0) | What should values outside INDEXESND be set to?
| Use NaN to use the values from IM (even though
| they are outside ROI)
'use_bwdist' (0) | Should we use the binary distance transform for
| the ROI data (1), or the raw data from IM (0)?
'connectivity' | The connectivity to use with the resegment algorithm.
(CONNDEF(NDIMS(IM),'maximal')) | (See HELP WATERSHED). If 0 is given, default is used.
'invert' (1) | If using raw data, multiply the image by -1
'assign_neighbors_to_roi' (1) | Resegmentation algorithms often leave a 1 pixel border
| between ROIs. If 'assign_neighbors_to_roi' is 1, then
| these pixels are assigned to their brightest immediately
| neighboring pixels.