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  ANGLES2NSEW - how many angles are pointing north, south, east, west (bins)?

  D = vlt.math.angles2nsew(ANGLES)

  Given ANGLES in degrees in compass coordinates (0..360), assign each angle a
  character 'n', 's', 'e', or 'w' depending upon the angle:

    'n': angles in [0..45) and [315...360]
    'e': angles in [45...135) 
    's': angles in [135..225)
    'w': angles in [225..315)

  If any ANGLES are less than 0 or greater than 360, the modulus is taken
  around 360 before calculating the major direction.

  See also: vlt.math.cartesian2compass, vlt.math.rad2deg

    angles = [ 0 90 180 270 ];
    d = vlt.math.angles2nsew(angles) % 'nesw'