GAUSS2D_ELLIPSE Compute a fullwidth at half-weight ellipse from a 2d gaussian
ELLIPSE_OUT = vlt.math.gauss2d_ellipse(MU, C, [N])
Given a 2-d multivariate normal that is described with a mean MU
and covariance matrix C, return the size of the major and minor
axes at half-height and points for an ellipse that circles the
mean at the location of the half-height contour.
The equation of the half max ellipse is:
(x-mu(1))^2 / a^2 + (y-mu(2))^2) / b^2 == 1
N is an optional argument (default 10) that determines the number
of points to include in each branch of the ellipse graph. (The
total number of points will be 2*N.)
The structure ELLIPSE_OUT contains the parameters of the ellipse:
Fieldname | Description
plot_ellipse | Ellipse plot points (2 by 2*N); the first
| row are the X points, the second rows are
| the Y points
a | The value of a in the ellipse equation
b | The value of b in the ellipse equation
major | max(a,b) - the major axis
minor | min(a,b) - the minor axis
w/ contribution by Shen Wang