LINEARIZE_COMPLEX_DISCRETE - create a linear plot by concatenating discrete complex elements
[Y, INDEXES, SET] = vlt.math.linearize_complex_discrete(X, ...)
Given an array X of complex-valued elements that correspond to discrete sets of real, imaginary pairs,
this function creates a linearized array Y where the real values are repeated in a linear fashion with
gap GAP. INDEXES indicate which entry in X corresponds to each entry in Y. SET indicates which set of the
imaginary values each point is associated with (where the imaginary values are sorted from least (first set)
to greatest (nth set)).
If there is a real, imaginary pair value that is missing, then NaN will be filled in Y and INDEXES.
This function can be modified by passing parameters as name/value pairs:
Parameter (default value) | Description
GAP (1) | The gap between successive steps of the imaginary values
EPSILON (1e-10) | How close values must be in order to be considered the "same"
See also: REAL, IMAG, vlt.data.namevaluepair
X = [ [1 2 3] [1 2 3]+sqrt(-1) [1 2 3]+2*sqrt(-1) ]
[Y, IND] = vlt.math.linearize_complex_discrete(X, 1)
% Y = [ [1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9] ]',
% IND = [ [1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9] ]',
% SET = [ [1 1 1] [2 2 2] [3 3 3] ]'