MOD_ELLIPSE_ON_MVNPDF - Calcluate 'response' of an ellipse on multivariate normal, modulated by surround region
Computes the overlap of an ellipse on a multivariate normal distribution.
XMESH = The X coordinates over which to calculate the response
YMESH = The Y coordinates over which to calculate the response
ELLIPSE_PARAMS = a list of column vectors; each column describes 1 ellipse
the first row has the X_Ctr position, the second row has the Y_Ctr
position, the third row has the X axis vertex, the fourth row has the
Y axis vertex, and the fifth row has the rotation (in radians)
MU - The mean for the multivariate normal pdf; can be a column vector or row vector (see MVNPDF)
SIGMA - the covariance matrix for the multivariate normal pdf (must be 2x2, see MVNPDF)
MOD_AMP - the amplitude by which the response in the "surround" modulates the center"
MOD_SIGMA - the multiplier to SIGMA that defines the "surround" region; the region and intensity
that corresponds to the surround is the rectified difference between a mvn distribution with mean
MU and covariance SIGMA*MOD_SIGMA and a mvn distribution with mean MU and covariance
SIGMA (so only the surround is positive and contributes).
Y - The response, in a column vector, for each ellipse
See also: vlt.image.inside_ellipse, MVNPDF