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  vlt.math.vector2mesh - convert a mesh grid from a vector representation back to a mesh set of matrixes

  [Xm,Ym,Zm,Im] = vlt.math.vector2mesh(X,Y,Z,...)

  Builds a mesh representation of two coordinate vectors X and Y. Xm and Ym will be
  matrixes that are NxM, where N is the number of elements in X and M is the number of
  elements in Y. The value of Z(i) for a given X(i) and Y(i) will be placed in at Z(j,k)
  where j is the jth entry of the unique values of X, and k is the kth entry of the unique
  values of Y.  The index value i will be placed at position j, k.

  This function takes name/value pairs that modify its functionality.
  | tolerance (0)                   | How much tolerance should be given for values |
  |                                 |   of x or y to be considered equal?           |

    [Xm_,Ym_] = meshgrid([0:0.1:1],[0:0.2:1]);
    Zm_ = sin(2*pi*Xm_) + cos(2*pi*Ym_);
    x = Xm_(:); % convert to vectors
    y = Ym_(:); % convert to vectors
    z = Zm_(:); % convert to vectors

    [Xm,Ym,Zm,Im] = vlt.math.vector2mesh(x,y,z); % convert back

    Xm_ == Xm  % they are equal
    Ym_ == Ym  % they are equal
    Zm_ == Zm  % they are equal
    figure; surf(Xm_,Ym_,Zm_)
    figure; surf(Xm,Ym,Zm)