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  SELECTPOINTS3D - Graphically select a bunch of (2D or 3D) points by making a polygon in the current axes view


   Select a subset of points on a (potentially 3D) graph by dragging a polygon.

   Allows the user to drag a polygon over the current axes (may be in 3D or 2D mode)
   and this function will return the points in PTS3D that are inside the polygon.

   PTS3D should be a 2xN or 3xN matrix where N is the the number of points. If only
   2-dimensional points are passed then the function will still work.

   Output:  INSIDE is an N dimensional vector of 0's and 1's; INSIDE(i) is 1 if and only
   if PTS3D(:,i) is inside the user-drawn polygon.

   Please note that this function does not plot the points; the points should already be
   plotted if you want them to be visible to the user.

      pts = randn(30,3);
      plot3(pts(:,1),pts(:,2),pts(:,3),'ko'); drawnow();
      % change the view, maybe use the rotate3d tool
      inside ='); % need to transpose to column vectors
      hold on;
      indexes = find(inside);
      plot3(pts(indexes,1),pts(indexes,2),pts(indexes,3),'bs'); % add red x to selected points
      % look around with rotate3d tool to make sure it is right