GENERATE_POISSON_VM_FR - generate firing rate values from poisson process
FR = vlt.neuro.membrane.generate_poisson_vm_fr(VM, DELTAT, RATEFUNC, RATEFUNCPARAMS, SIGMA)
Generates sample firing rates for a Normally-distrubuted process modulated by voltage measurements
(VM) bins of size DELTAT. Firing rate is assumed to be generated according to a normal distribution,
where the rate mu is determined by RATEFUNC(VM, ...) * DELTAT and SIGMA is given. RATEFUNCPARAMS are
additional parameters to be passed to RATEFUNC, so that the call to RATEFUNC is RATEFUNC(VM, RATEFUNCPARAMS{:});
See also: vlt.neuro.membrane.normal_vm_fr, vlt.neuro.membrane.poisson_vm_fr