VMNOSPIKES - Return underlying voltage with spikes removed
[VMNS,T,SPIKETIMES] = vlt.neuro.membrane.vmnospikes(VM, SI)
Removes spikes from the trace VM with sample interval SI.
Optionally, one can re-sample at a higher SI (lower sampling rate).
SPIKETIMES that were detected are returned in SPIKETIMES.
The behavior of this function can be modified by passing name/value
Parameter (default): | Description:
newsi (si) | If the interval is higher than si,
| then the waveform is smoothed (boxcar)
| and downsampled.
filter_algorithm | Filter algorithm: choice of 'vlt.signal.removespikes', which employs
('vlt.signal.removespikes') | detects spikes and removes them with vlt.signal.removespikes;
| or 'medfilt1' which performs a median filter using MEDFILT1
spiketimes ([]) | Extracted spike times from the trace
| (if empty, then spikes are extracted using
| threshold crossing and vlt.signal.refractory period)
| Spike times are in same units as SI
| and are relative to Tstart
thresh (-0.030) | Spike threshold for spike detection (not used
| if spiketimes is given)
refract (0.0025) | Refractory period (in same units as SI)
MedFilterWidth | MedFilterWidth (see MEDFILT1)
(round(0.004/SI) ) |
Tstart (0) | Time of the first sample of the VM trace
removespikes_inputs ({}) | Any custom inputs we should pass to vlt.signal.removespikes
| (see vlt.signal.removespikes)
rm60hz (1) | 0/1 should we filter 60Hz noise? (uses vlt.signal.remove60hz)
rm60hz_inputs ({}) | Any custom arguments we should pass to vlt.signal.remove60hz
| (see vlt.signal.remove60hz)