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  vlt.neuro.reverse_correlation.sparse_noise_responses - calculate responses to sparse noise stimulation

  [R,C,Rmean,Cmean] = vlt.neuro.reverse_correlation.sparse_noise_responses(spike_times, stim_times, ...
           stim_position_index, t0, t1)

  Calculates the response rate R and spike count C at each position. 

     spike_times          - the time of each spike (unit: seconds)
     stim_times           - the time of each stimulus frame (vector: 1 entry per frame; unit: seconds)
     stim_position_index  - The stimulus position index that was stimulated for each frame
                              (vector: 1 entry per frame)
     t0                   - the time relative to each frame to start counting spikes (scalar, unit: seconds)
     t1                   - the time relative to each from to stop counting spikes (scalar, unit: seconds)

     R                    - spike rates (spike count divided by (t1-t0)) for each position
                              (cell: 1 vector per stim_position_index value; each
                              vector holds the observation for each stimulus presentation)
     C                    - spike counts in the interval [t0,t1] relative to each frame for each position
                              (cell: 1 vector per stim_position_index value; each
                              vector holds the observation for each stimulus presentation)
     Rmean                - A vector of the mean response across trials (vector: 1 entry per unique
                              stim_position_index value)
     Cmean                - A vector of the mean response across trials (vector: 1 entry per unique