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  vlt.neuro.reverse_correlation.stim1d_random -- Creates a 1-D (space) random stimulus for model computation

    STIM=vlt.neuro.reverse_correlation.stim1d_motion(X, T, VALUES, DISTRIBUTION)

    Creates a discrete 1-D (in space) random stimulus that can be fed to
    a 1-d spatial model

        X should be a vector indicating the spatial positions to create, in degrees
           (example: 0:0.1:10 creates 100 positions in increments of 0.1 degrees)
        T should be the time values to compute (stim is assumed to be constant in each bin)
           (example: 0:0.01:2 simulates 2 seconds in 0.01s steps, or a 100Hz monitor)
        VALUES should be an array list of brightness values that the stimulus can take
        DISTRIBUTION should be an array list of probabilities that the brightness
            will assume each value in VALUE.

     One can imagine that the units of the returned stimulus is brightness.

     Each row of the returned stimulus represents the stimulus at 1 value
     of time; time is represented across the columns.

     Example: stim = vlt.neuro.reverse_correlation.stim1d_random([0:0.1:10],[0:0.1:300],[1 0 -1],[0.1 0.8 0.1]);