PLOTSPIKEWAVES - Plot spike waveforms to the current axes
H=vlt.neuro.spikesorting.plotspikewaves(WAVES, [INDEXES], ...)
WAVES: A NumSamples x NumChannels x NumSpikes list of spike
waveforms. All channels are combined into 1 dimension for the plot.
INDEXES: Optional, a list of index values to plot. If not provided,
then all waves are plotted (subject to restrictions below).
Additional name/value pairs can be provided to modify the default settings
'SampleTimes' : The sample times of each spike; default 1:(NumSamples*NumChannels) (sample numbers)
't' : The time of each spike (default 1:NumSpikes, indicating spike order only)
'TimeGraphBin'** : If >0 and if t has real times, show a second graph in front of the spike
: waveforms indicating the firing rate in time bins of this size (default 0);
: otherwise show no graph
'TimeGraphMax'** : The firing rate in the time graph that is considered "maximum" (default 20 (Hz))
'ClassID' : 1xNumSpikes - class identity of each waveform (default 1:NumSpikes, meaning each unique)
'ColorOrder' : List of colors (Nx3) to cycle through with class ID; defaults to the default
: color order for the axes, that is, get(gca,'ColorOrder').
'RandomSubset' : Should we plot only a random subset? (0/1, default 1)
'RandomSubsetSize' : How many waves should we plot? (default 200)
'LineWidth' : Default 0.5
'ClearAxes' : Default 0
** not implemented yet
H: A list of the plot handles for these waves