SPIKEWAVES2NPOINTFEATURE - Select samples from spike waves
FEATURES = vlt.neuro.spikesorting.spikewaves2Npointfeature(WAVES, SAMPLELIST)
Creates a set of "features" of the spike waveform WAVES by
grabbing samples at the locations SAMPLELIST.
WAVES: A NumSamples x NumChannels x NumSpikes list of spike
SAMPLELIST: A list of samples [S1 S2 ...] at which to sample
the spike waveforms on each channel.
FEATURES: A (NumSampleList*NumChannel) x NumSpikes list of
features. Each spike waveform is sampled on each channel at
the sample offsets in SAMPLELIST. Each column has the sample
values on the first channel, followed by the second, and so on.