SPIKETIMES2BINS - Convert a list of spike times to discrete time bins
SPIKE_COUNTS = vlt.neuro.spiketrains.spiketimes2bins(SPIKETIMES, TIMES)
Takes a list of spike times (in units of TIMES) and calculates the
number of spikes that fall within time bins TIMES(i) - TIMES(i+1).
If a spike occurred at exactly time TIMES(i) then it is included in
bin i.
Note that bins can contain more than one spike.
Example: Generate a list of bins in spike times, get the spike times,
and then convert it back to bins.
dt = 0.001;
T = 0:dt:10; % 10 seconds
R = 5*vlt.math.rectify(sin(2*pi*3*T));
S = (rand(size(T))<R*dt); %generate spikes with probability R*dt
spike_indexes = find(S); % find which bins have spikes
spiketimes = T(spike_indexes); % get the time of those bins
S2 = vlt.neuro.spiketrains.spiketimes2bins(spiketimes,T); % convert back
all(S==S2) % are these vectors equal? Yes!