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  SJOSTROM_SPIKETRAIN - Generate a pre/post synaptic spiketrain pair from Sjostrom 2001

    [PRE,POST] = SJOSTROM_STPD(deltaT, frequency, N)

    Generates a list of N pre- and post-synaptic spike times 
    that have spacing deltaT (that is, the pre-synaptic cell fires
    deltaT before the post-synaptic cell). Pre- and postsynaptic 
    spikes are generated at a rate of frequency Hz.  

    The first spike (whether it is pre- or post-synaptic)
    will occur at time 0.

      % Generate pre- and post-synaptic spiketrains to pair
      %  with 10ms pre-before-post firing at 10Hz, with 60 repetitions
      [PRE,POST] = vlt.neuro.stdp.sjostrom_spiketrain(0.010, 10, 60)