vlt.neuro.vision.oridir.index.fit2fitdibr - Direction index from double gaussian fit (blank rectified)
DSI = vlt.neuro.vision.oridir.index.fit2fitdibr(FITPARAMS, BLANKRESP)
Computes the "direction selectivity index", or the fraction of the total response
that is in the preferred direction compared to the opposite direction.
FITPARAMS is a 5-value vector describing a double gaussian fit to a
direction tuning curve (FITPARAMS(1) is offset, FITPARAMS(2) is weight
of first gaussian peak, FITPARAMS(3) is the peak tuning position,
FITPARAMS(4) is the variance around the peak, FITPARAMS(%) is the
weight of the 'null' direction peak):
Resp = -BLANK + fitparams(1)+...
fitparams(2)*exp(-vlt.math.angdiff(fitparams(3)-angs).^2/(2*fitparams(4)^2)) +...
The DSI is defined as DSI = (Rpref - Rnull) / Rpref
See also: vlt.fit.otfit_carandini, vlt.neuro.vision.oridir.index.fit2fitoi, vlt.neuro.vision.oridir.index.fit2fitdibr