FIT2FITOI - Calculate orientation index from a double gaussian fit of direction tuning curve
OIIND = vlt.neuro.vision.oridir.index.fit2fitoidiffsum(R)
Calculates the orientation selectivity index (OSI) from a double gaussian fit
of a direction tuning curve.
The OSI is defined as OSI = (Rpref - Rorth) / (Rpref + Rorth)
where Rpref is the average response to the preferred direction and the opposite
direction (that is, the preferred orientations), and Rorth is the average
response to the 2 directions orthogonal to the preferred direction (that is, the
orthogonal orientation..
R is a 2-row vector. The first row is the directions that were evaluated by the
fit (e.g., [0:359] is the most common for 1 degree steps between 0 and 359), and
the second row is the response of the fit for each angle.
See also: vlt.fit.otfit_carandini, vlt.neuro.vision.oridir.index.fit2fitoi, vlt.neuro.vision.oridir.index.fit2fitdibr, vlt.neuro.vision.oridir.index.fit2fitdidiffsum