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  ORIDIR_FITINDEXES - compute orientation/direction fits, index values

  FI =

  Computes orientation/direction index fit values from a response structure RESPSTRUCT.

   RESPSTRUCT is a structure  of response properties with fields:
   Field    | Description
   curve    |    4xnumber of directions tested,
            |      curve(1,:) is directions tested (degrees, compass coords.)
            |      curve(2,:) is mean responses
            |      curve(3,:) is standard deviation
            |      curve(4,:) is standard error
   ind      |    cell list of individual trial responses for each direction

  Note that fits may be garbage if there are not significantly different responses across different directions.

  Returns a structure FI with fields:
  Field                           | Description
  fit_parameters                  |   [Rsp Rp Ot sigm Rn]
  fit                             |   2 row fit; first row is set of directions, second row is responses
  ot_index                        |   Orientation index ( (pref-orth)/pref) )
  ot_index_rectified              |   Orientation index ( (pref-orth)/pref) ) rectified to be in 0, 1
  ot_index_diffsum                |   Orientation index ( (pref-orth)/(pref+orth) )
  ot_index_diffsum_rectified      |   Orientation index ( (pref-orth)/(pref+orth) ), rectified to be in 0,1
  dir_pref                        |   Ot
  tuning_width                    |   Fit tuning width (HWHH, sigm*sqrt(log(4)))
  dir_index                       |   Direction index ( (pref-orth)/pref) )
  dir_index_rectified             |   Direction index ( (pref-orth)/pref) ) rectified to be in 0, 1
  dir_index_diffsum               |   Direction index ( (pref-orth)/(pref+orth) )
  dir_index_diffsum_rectified     |   Direction index ( (pref-orth)/(pref+orth) ), rectified to be in 0,1