OSI2ORIPARAMS - Given an OSI, generate double gaussian parameters that has that osi index
[RSP,RP,OP,SIGMA,RN] = vlt.neuro.vision.oridir.osi2oriparams2(OSI, ...)
Given a requested OSI index value, where OSI is defined as
this function generates a set of double gaussian parameters that satisfies
the OSI.
By default, OP is 0, SIGMA is 20, RP and RN are equal. RP + RSP will be 10.
RSP will be set to whatever is necessary to make the OSI be fit.
One can add extra arguments as name/value pairs to modify the SIGMA, OP, and
RSP parameters of the double gaussian, for example:
[RSP,RP,OP,SIGMA,RN] = vlt.neuro.vision.oridir.osi2oriparams2(OSI, 'SIGMA',40)
One can use the following code to validate this function:
desired_index = [];
actual_index = [];
for i=0:0.1:1,
desired_index(end+1) = i;
[rsp,rp,op,sigma,rn] = vlt.neuro.vision.oridir.osi2oriparams2(i);
[dummy,shape] = vlt.fit.otfit_carandini_err([rsp rp op sigma rn],[0:22.5:360-22.5]);
actual_index(end+1) = vlt.neurovision.oridir.index.compute_orientationindex(0:22.5:360-22.5,shape);
[desired_index' actual_index']
See also: vlt.fit.otfit_carandini