PATHSTR2CELLARRAY - Convert a path string to a cell list of strings
PATH_CELLSTR = vlt.path.pathstr2cellarray
Converts the current path string to a cell list of strings in
One can also use the constructions:
PATH_CELLSTR = vlt.path.pathstr2cellarray(PATHSTR)
to specify a path string other than the current PATH, or
PATH_CELLSTR = vlt.path.pathstr2cellarray(PATHSTR, SEPARATOR)
to use a path separator other than the current PATHSEP.
Example: Remove all paths that have 'VH_matlab_code' in them
path_cellstr = vlt.path.pathstr2cellarray;
matches = strfind(path_cellstr,'VH_matlab_code');
inds = find(1-vlt.data.isempty_cell(matches)); % find indexes of all matches
path_cellstr = vlt.path.pathstr2cellarray; % update the list to reflect the changes
See also: PATH, PATHSEP, vlt.data.isempty_cell