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   vlt.plot.imagedisplay - Display an image and allow user to adjust 

   H = vlt.plot.imagedisplay(IMAGE, [...] )

   Displays the image IMAGE in the current figure.  There are
   buttons provided for adjusting the image scale, including
   an autoscale button.

   One may also provide additional arguments in name/value
   pairs (e.g., 'InitialScale', [0 255]):

   'InitialScale'   [low high]  the high and low bounds for scaling
                                (initially [0 255])
   'AutoScale',     0/1         should autoscale button be visible?
                                (initially 1)
   'Units',                     Units of position (e.g., 'pixels'
                                 or 'normalized'; default 'normalized')
   'Position',                  position of image in figure
                                (initially [0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8])
   'ScaleEdits'   0/1          should scale edit boxes be visible?
                                (initially 1)
   'Title'                      A title string
   'fig'                        The figure (new is created by default)