MYERRORBAR Error bar plot.
ERRORBAR(X,Y,L,U) plots the graph of vector X vs. vector Y with
error bars specified by the vectors L and U. L and U contain the
lower and upper error ranges for each point in Y. Each error bar
is L(i) + U(i) long and is drawn a distance of U(i) above and L(i)
below the points in (X,Y). The vectors X,Y,L and U must all be
the same length. If X,Y,L and U are matrices then each column
produces a separate line.
ERRORBAR(X,Y,E) or ERRORBAR(Y,E) plots Y with error bars [Y-E Y+E].
ERRORBAR(...,'LineSpec') uses the color and linestyle specified by
the string 'LineSpec'. See PLOT for possibilities.
ERRORBAR(...,TEE) gives the 'TEE' width, in the same units as X variable
H = ERRORBAR(...) returns a vector of line handles.
For example,
x = 1:10;
y = sin(x);
e = std(y)*ones(size(x));
draws symmetric error bars of unit standard deviation.