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  PLOTMEANBAR - Plot a horizontal bar indicating mean (or standard error) of a dataset

  H = vlt.plot.plotmeanbar(DATA, ...)

  Plots the mean value of data as a horizontal bar, and, optionally, a
  vertical bar indicating the standard error.  Returns a handle(s) H to the plot.

  This function can be modified by name/value pairs:
  Parameter (default value)    | Description
  xloc ([0 1])                 | The location on the x axis where the line
                               |    should be drawn ([xstart xend])
  color ([0 0 0])              | Color of the bar (RGB)
  usestderr (1)                | 0/1 Should we plot an error bar showing
                               |    standard error of the mean?
  useholdon (1)                | 0/1 Should we call 'hold on'?
  linewidth (2)                | Linewidth for mean bar plot
  linewidth_stderr (1)         | Linewidth for standard error plot
  measure ('nanmean(data(:))') | Function to call to obtain mean; could be 'median'