DECOMPOSE_TIME - Unwrap or desegment a concatenated recording into pieces
NEWTIMES = vlt.signal.decompose_time(TIMESTAMPS, TIME_INTERVALS)
Decomposes / desegements time stamps that are from a concatenated
It is assumed that TIMESTAMPS are a set of time stamps from a
recording that has been concatenated from many smaller recordings.
The beginning and end times of the concatenated recordings are
provided in TIME_INTERVALS. Each row of TIME_INTERVALS should
have the start and stop time (in the same units as TIMESTAMPS)
of the recordings that comprise the concatenated recordings.
myrecording1 = [0 1]; % first recording started at 0, ended at 1
myrecording2 = [2 3]; % second recording started at 2, ended at 3
% concaneted record of these recordings would have duration 2
timestamps = [ 0.5 1.5 ];
% event at 1.5 really occured at 2.5 units in real time
newtimes = vlt.signal.decompose_time(timestamps,[myrecording1;myrecording2])