POINT2SAMPLE - Convert a continuous point to a sample number for regularly sampled data
S = vlt.signal.point2samplelabel(TI, DT, [T0])
Given an array of time values TI, returns the closest sample
for a signal that is regularly sampled at interval DT.
The closest sample number is determined by rounding.
Samples are assumed to be numbered as S = T0+N*DT (Notice that
these sample labels can be negative or 0).
T0 is the time of the first sample of the signal. If T0 is not
provided, it is assumed to be 0.
dt = 0.001;
T = 0:dt:40;
S = vlt.signal.point2samplelabel(T(20),dt) % returns 20
See also: vlt.signal.round2sample