SAMPLESINEPOCHS - Identify samples that are within the given recording epochs
Given a list of SAMPLE_NUMBERS, determines which are in a set of epochs and returns them
in SAMPLES_IN and returns the index numbers of these samples in SAMPLEINDEXES.
The recording epochs are specified by start sample numbers: EPOCHSTARTSAMPLES
is an array with the sample number that begins each epoch.
EPOCHSTART is the Epoch number we want to start including.
EPOCHSTOP is the last Epoch number we want to stop including.
SN = [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ];
EpStartSamples = [1 5 9]; % epochs start at samples 1, 5, and 9
EpStart = 1;
EpStop = 2;
SI = vlt.signal.samplesinepochs(SN, EpStartSamples,EpStart,EpStop)
% SI = [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ] % samples in first 2 epochs