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  vlt.globals - define global variables for VLT (VH Lab tools)


  Script that defines some global variables for the VLT package

  The following variables are defined:

  Name:                            | Description
  vlt_globals.path.path            | The path of the VLT distribution on this machine
                                   |   (Initialized by vlt_Init.m)
  vlt_globals.path.preferences     | A path to a directory of preferences files
  vlt_globals.path.filecachepath   | A path where files may be cached (not deleted every time)
  vlt_globals.path.temppath        | The path to a directory that may be used for
                                   |   temporary files (Initialized by ndi_Init.m)
  vlt_globals.path.testpath        | A path to a safe place to run test code
  vlt_globals.debug                | A structure with preferences for debugging
  vlt_globals.log                  | An object that manages writing system, error, debugging logs (
  vlt_globals.cache                | A object for the use of the toolbox