Skip to content - produce responses given a speed tuning function

   R =,TF,P)

   Produce the responses at given spatial (SF) and temporal (TF) frequencies
   given parameters for a speed tuning curve. 

     SF is an array of spatial frequency values
     TF is an array of temporal frequency values
     P is an array with parameters:
     | A         | Peak response of the neuron   |
     |           |                               |
     | zeta      | Skew of the temporal          |
     |           | frequency tuning curve        |
     |           |                               |
     | xi        | Speed parameter               |
     |           |                               |
     | sigma_sf  | Tuning width of the neuron    |
     |           | for spatial frequency         |
     |           |                               |
     | sigma_tf  | Tuning width of the neuron    |
     |           | for temporal frequency        |
     |           |                               |
     | sf0       | Preferred spatial frequency   |
     |           | averaged across temporal      |
     |           | frequencies                   |
     |           |                               |
     | tf0       | Preferred temporal frequency  |
     |           | averaged across spatial       |
     |           | frequencies                   |

     R is an array of calculated responses

     [SF,TF] = meshgrid([0.05 0.08 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.2],[0.5 1 2 4 8 16 32]);
     % Pick some parameters
     A = 1;
     zeta = 0;
     xi = 0;
     sigma_sf = 0.2; % Cycles per degree
     sigma_tf = 4; % Cycles per second; this is the fall off
     sf0 = 0.1;
     tf0 = 4;
     % Now calculate the responses
     R = speed.tuningfunc(SF,TF,[A zeta xi sigma_sf sigma_tf sf0 tf0]);
     % Now plot the responses

   See: Priebe et al. 2006