FIELDSEARCH - Search a structure to determine if it matches a search structure
Determines if a structure A matches the search structure SEARCHSTRUCT.
SEARCHSTRUCT should be a structure array with the following fields:
Field: | Description
field | A character string of the field of A to examine
operation | The operation to perform. This operation determines
| values of fields 'param1' and 'param2'.
| 'regexp' - are there any regular expression matches between
| the field value and 'param1'?
| 'exact_string' - is the field value an exact string match for 'param1'?
| 'contains_string' - is the field value a char array that contains 'param1'?
| 'exact_number' - is the field value exactly 'param1' (same size and values)?
| 'lessthan' - is the field value less than 'param1' (and comparable size)
| 'lessthaneq' - is the field value less than or equal to 'param1' (and comparable size)
| 'greaterthan' - is the field value greater than 'param1' (and comparable size)
| 'greaterthaneq' - is the field value greater than or equal to 'param1' (and comparable size)
| 'hasfield' - is the field present? (no role for 'param1' or 'param2')
| 'hasanysubfield_contains_string' - Is the field value an array of structs or cell array of structs
| such that any has a field named 'param1' with a string that contains the string
| in 'param2'? If 'param1' is a cell list, then 'param2' can be a cell list of contained
| strings to be matched.
| 'hasanysubfield_exact_string' - Is the field value an array of structs or cell array of structs
| such that any has a field named 'param1' with a string that exactly matches the string
| in 'param2'? If 'param1' is a cell list, then 'param2' can be a cell list of contained
| strings to be matched.
| 'or' - are the searchstruct elements specified in 'param1' OR 'param2' true?
param1 | Search parameter 1. Meaning depends on 'operation' (see above).
param2 | Search parameter 2. Meaning depends on 'operation' (see above).
A 'comparable' size means the 2 variables can be compared. [1 2 3]>=1 is comparable. [1 2 3]>=[0 0 0] is comparable.
[1 2 3]>[1 2] is an error.
A = struct('a','string_test','b',[1 2 3])
B = struct('values',A);
b4=fieldsearch(A,struct('field','','operation','or', ...
'param1', struct('field','b','operation','hasfield','param1','','param2',''), ...
'param2', struct('field','c','operation','hasfield','param1','','param2','') ))