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  STRUCTMERGE - Merge struct variables into a common struct

   S_OUT = STRUCTMERGE(S1, S2, ...)

   Merges the structures S1 and S2 into a common structure S_OUT
   such that S_OUT has all of the fields of S1 and S2. When 
   S1 and S2 share the same fieldname, the value of S2 is taken.
   The fieldnames will be re-ordered to be in alphabetical order.

   The behavior of the function can be altered by passing additional
   arguments as name/value pairs. 

   Parameter (default)     | Description
   ErrorIfNewField (0)     | (0/1) Is it an error if S2 contains a
                           |  field that is not present in S1?
   DoAlphabetical (1)      | (0/1) Alphabetize the field names in the result

   See also: STRUCT