VHSB_READ - write a VHLab series binary file
Read Y series data from a VH series binary file from closest X sample
to value X0 to closest X sample to value X1.
FO is the file description to write to; it can be a
filename or an object of type FILEOBJ
X0 is the value of X that indicates where to start reading. Can be -Inf to
indicate the beginning of the samples in the file.
X1 is the value of X that indicates where to stop reading. Can be Inf to indicate
the end of the file.
OUT_OF_BOUNDS_ERR indicates whether an error should be triggered if X0 or X1 are
more than one half-sample away from a value of X that is actually in the dataset.
If OUT_OF_BOUNDS_ERR is 1, then an error is triggered; otherwise, the closest sample
is returned but no error is given.
X is NUMSAMPLESx1, where NUMSAMPLES is the number of samples between
X0 and X1.
Y is an NUM_SAMPLESxXxYxZx... dataset with the Y samples that
are associated with each value of X.
X(i) is the ith sample returned of X, and Y(i,:,:,...) is the ith sample returned of Y