VHSB_WRITE - write a VHLab series binary file
B = VHSB_WRITE(FO, X, Y, ...)
Write series data to a VH series binary file.
FO is the file description to write to; it can be a
filename or an object of type FILEOBJ
X is a NUMSAMPLESx1 dataset, usually the independent variable.
X can be empty if an X_start and X_increment are provided
Y is an NUM_SAMPLESxXxYxZx... dataset with the Y samples that
are associated with each value of X.
X(i) is the ith sample of X, and Y(i,:,:,...) is the ith sample of Y
B is 1 if the file was written successfully, 0 otherwise
The function accepts parameters that modify the default functionality
as name/value pairs.
Parameter (default) | Description
use_filelock (1) | Lock the file with CHECKOUT_LOCK_FILE
X_start (X(1)) | The value of X in the first sample
X_increment (0) | The increment between subsequent values of X
| (needs only be non-zero if X_constantinterval is 1)
X_stored (1) | Should values of X be stored (1), or computed from X_start
| and X_increment (0)?
X_constantinterval (0) | Is there a constant interval between X samples (1) or not (0) or
| not necessarily (0)?
X_units ('') | The units of X (a character string, up to 255 characters)
Y_units ('') | The units of Y (a character string, up to 255 characters)
X_data_size (64) | The resolution (in bits) for X
X_data_type ('float') | The data type to be written for X ('char','uint','int','float')
Y_data_size (64) | The resolution (in bits) for Y
Y_data_type ('float') | The data type to be written for Y ('char','uint','int','float')
X_usescale (0) | Scale the X data before writing to disk (and after reading)?
Y_usescale (0) | Scale the Y data before writing to disk (and after reading)?
X_scale (1) | The X scale factor to use to write samples to disk
X_offset (0) | The X offset to use (Xdisk = X/X_scale + X_offset)
Y_scale (1) | The Y scale factor to use
Y_offset (0) | The Y offset to use (Ydisk = Y/Y_scale + X_offset)