[recData, timestamps] = read_SpikeGadgets_digitalChannels(filename,NumChannels, channels, samplingRate,headerSize, configExists) )
Imports digital channel data in matlab from the raw data file
filename-- a string containing the name of the .dat file (raw file from SD card)
NumChannels-- the number of channels in the recording (i.e., 32,64,96...)
channels-- the digital channels you want to extract, designated as an N by 2 matrix [byte(1-based) bit(1-based)]
samplingRate-- the sampling rate of the recording, i.e 30000
headerSize--the size, in int16's, of the header block of the data
(contains DIO channels and aux analog channels).
timestamps--the system clock when each sample was taken
recData-- a structure continaing the digital state of the channels