WRITEPLAINVECTOR-writeasimplebinarymatrixtodiskWRITEPLAINMAT(FID,MAT)Writesabasicmatrixtodisksuchthatitcanbereadeasily.FIDshouldbeaMatlabfileidentifier(seeFOPEN).ThebinarydataiswrittenusingFID's byte order. The first entry is a character string indicating the type of data to be stored. This is just class(mat) (see CLASS). The first entry is a uint8 DIM that indicates the dimension of MAT (see SIZE). Next, a 1xDIM vector in uint32 format describes the number of entries in each dimension. Finally, the entries of MAT are written as individual elements. Only classes that can be sent to FWRITE can be used here (such as 'char', 'double', 'uint8', etc; see FWRITE). See also: CLASS, SIZE, FWRITE. Example: data = rand(3,7), fid = fopen('myfile.dat','w','b'); % write, big-endian writeplainmat(fid,data); fclose(fid); fid = fopen('myfile.dat','r','b');%read,big-endianmydata=readplainmat(fid);fclose(fid);mydata,%displaymydatadata-mydata,%displaythedifference